Thursday, December 25, 2008

I am grateful to God for the wonderful family, friends and congregation He has blessed me and my family with. Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a memorable Christmas and a purposeful and prosperous 2009. Thank you for the part that you have played in our lives!


Unknown said...

Hi Pastor Muriithi,
It’s the first time I’m blogging on you page. It’s taken a while to get here (what with the connectivity issues we still struggle with). But this I had to do even if its late in the week and am on duty to ensure our little bundle of joy is cuddled to sleep (by the way she’s doing fine, infact thriving inspite the little discomforts little babies go thru).

Your encouragement last Sunday was on us sharing that which we are grateful for the year ending. Of course for the Nyamus it goes without saying. After two years of grieving, agonizing, trying, testing, hoping and praying, we finally were able to shed tears of joy! The birth of our baby girl is the highlight of 2008.

What we are most grateful for is the amazing, overwhelming prayer support we’ve received from the Mavuno church family. Even with the exponential growth in numbers, the increased responsibilities of our leaders, the changed face of even our own ecclesia, Mavuno has embraced us even much more than when we lost our boy. Brethren have carried our pain, fears, anxieties, thrills, joys like their very own. We, throughout this pregnancy have felt surrounded and supported by a committed battalion of prayerful Mavunites. We did not know that our opposition was a diabolic conspiracy of evil (a family member had actually thrown a curse at Anne, closing her womb from conceiving). Our doctor kept saying that there wasn’t any medical reason why Anne could not conceive yet there we were wondering what was wrong. The Harvest School of Prayer was the turning point for us. During the 21 day fast, the curse as broken and within weeks of the end of the class, Anne had conceived. Conception turned out to be the beginning of a journey of praying, fasting, anointing, declaring, standing and battling with forces previously unknown to us. We would have been overwhelmed had we done this on our own. We have family and friends who embraced this journey as their own, constantly checking on us and PRAYING, other who at the drop of an sms stopped what they were doing and PRAYED, and others who encouraged us and spoke LIFE into our lives and our journey. We thank God for our blood family but we thank God more for the Mavuno Family. There was temptation to call our little girl “Mavuno Njeri” or “HSOP Njeri” (I confess we weren’t brave enough). We (and this is came during a time of prayer) settled on NISSI NJERI. The root of this is Exodus 17: 8-15 where Moses & the Israelites led by Joshua fought the Amalekites. Every time Moses hands we lifted up, the Israelites won and when they grew tired the Amalekites won. When Aaron and Hur held Moses hand, the battle was won. And as a sign of remembrance, Moses built an altar and called it “Adonai Nissi, the Lord is my Banner, for hands were lifted up to the throne of the Lord.”

Hands were lifted up Pastor, hand were lifted up. And because of the prayers of the saints, and the love of the brethren, our year ends well. Please pass our special thanks to your entire staff team, Pastoral team. They shall be rewarded handsomely by the giver of all good gifts.

What are the Nyamus grateful for: the family of God in the form of Mavuno Church

Pst. M said...

Hey Ed, great to hear your story! And great to hear all the other Mavuno stories at church last Sunday. Glad you're part of the family.