Monday, March 31, 2008

Early Anniversary

Am back home after a week’s break. Resting from Msafara but also an early celebration of our 14th anniversary. Yep, it’s been that long! It certainly doesn’t feel like it. I remember when I was a college student and I met people who’d been married for ten or more years. They sounded so ancient! Well, the shoe’s on the other foot now. Our African cultures wisely celebrated the inevitable (e.g. age) while Western cultures celebrate the unattainable (capitalist wisdom: you can’t sell to someone satisfied). Aren’t I glad to be African!

Seriously though, I’m grateful to God for the many good (no great) years He has given my sweetie and I. The many incredible adventures we’ve shared. Our amazingly wonderful children... And the many lessons we’ve learnt along the way. Like the best CEO’s described in Jim Collin’s remarkable book ‘Good To Great’, the best marriages are not necessarily the flashiest. With marriage, the race does not go to the swift, but to the persistent: Those who plod on, refusing to give up, consistently giving and forgiving. Those who recognize that if the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it’s a sure sign that you need to water your own!

At the end of the day though, regardless of all we’ve put into our marriage, we know that it’s God’s grace - that mysterious ‘X factor’ - that has brought us this far: Many times despite ourselves. What a relief! Because He who began this good work in us is faithful and will help us to finish well.


J said...

Congrats on your 14th anniversary!


Pst. M said...

Thanks Josiah, though note the emphasis on 'early'... its actually at the end of April!

Sarah M. said...

So that is what it I know. It was good to be your resident chauffer for the days you were here and thanks for spending time with my family and for speaking at ICCM.


Declan Ottaro said...

In that case...Happy Early Anniversary (Or is it Early Happy Anniversary) to you and your "sweetie". We really look up to you guys as an example of a successful marriage, which we wish to emulate. God Bless you guys and it’s great to have you back!

Pst. M said...

Thanks Declan, and great to be back home. Lifesession - kumbe ni wewe! The privilege was all mine. Thanks for showing us a great time!

Sarah M. said...

By the way Passy, you can listen to your sermon or invite others to listen either at my blog or going to the ICC Mombasa website

By the way, my blogging ID is lifession not a new word I coined to mean living life with a Mission :)
