One small step for Anan, one giant leap for Kenya! Well, mostly...
Amazingly encouraging news from yesterday… Many celebrated when they heard that miraculously, the ‘National Accord and Reconciliation Act’ had finally been signed. And it was truly a momentous announcement indeed. Few thought it would happen so soon or so relatively painlessly. But looking at the preliminary nature of the ‘National Accord and Reconciliation Act’ signed by our ‘primaries’, it’s clear that the signing of this document is just one small step; the first of a long journey.
And by all means so let’s celebrate. But let’s remember that we have miles to go before justice can truly be said to be our shield and defender. May God give us the courage to do as a nation and as individuals all we need to do, to ensure that we dwell in unity, peace and liberty, and that plenty will truly be found within our borders.
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