Sunday, November 11, 2007

President For A Day

If you were president, what area would you most want to change? This was a popular 'Question of the Day' at a Mavuno service a while ago. The person I spoke with eloquently expressed how he would tackle head-on the issue of poverty, and inequality in Kenya. After listening to him, I was inspired to vote for him if he should ever chose to run for president!

My own pet issue is ethnocentrism or tribalism, as we like to call it in this part of the world. While Kenyans have not hit the lows experienced in some of our neighboring countries, I'm concerned that over the last decade or so, even my own generation has began to form opinions and approach politics based not on issues but on what tribe we're from. Being in the US and seeing the paralyzing effects of the centuries old racial divide, I pray we will somehow resist the forces that threaten to divide us and work towards building a united nation. And in my own non-elected capacity, e.g. in how I bring up my kids, I want to play my part in being a unifier and not a divider.

Incidentally, I think being president must be the hardest job anyone could ever do. Everyone thinks they can do your job better than you can! People rate you not on your performance but on whether you agreed with their agenda, and you have to be a brilliant manager of conflicting interests, massager of egos, master of sound-bites and suave politician to boot! And so my real answer to the question is that I would not want to be anyone's president, not even for a day!

That said, I know there are some gifted fearless influencers out there whose God-given passion is to bring back some sanity to our political arena.

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